
Opening Ceremonies

The festival’s formal opening ceremony was held in the afternoon at the Greenleaf Hotel here, and followed by the Budayaw grand public performance at the SM Mall atrium.

Our Creative Diversity:
Colloquium & Exhibition

This is intended to raise the level of appreciation and understanding among students, educators and media practitioners on the peoples of the BE region. Selected resource persons will be invited to shed light on the past cultural and economic exchanges in the region, as well as share the present issues and future programs of the four countries.
Budayaw Festival 2017 Under One Sky

Under One Sky:
Visual Arts Exhibits and Talk

Embodying the true essence of Harmony Amidst Diversity, varied visual artists from the EAGA will have social interactions with the various publics. Examine their varying styles anchored in their shared aspirations. Be part of this monumental event as it imparts the true essence of art. But what will make it even more meaningful, is the collaborative efforts expressed by the said artists. The Obra Maestra will flaunt the aesthetic value in celebrating the Budayaw.

Young Voices Rising:
Chorale Concerts

Selected youth chorale from the four countries will sing country songs including the Budayaw theme song composed purposely for the Festival.
Budayaw 2017 Young Voices Rising Chorale Concerts
Budayaw 2017 Jewels of EAGA

Jewels of EAGA:
Dance, Music & Drama Performances

Embodying the true essence of Harmony Amidst Diversity, varied visual artists from the EAGA will have social interactions with the various publics. Examine their varying styles anchored in their shared aspirations. Be part of this monumental event as it imparts the true essence of art. But what will make it even more meaningful, is the collaborative efforts expressed by the said artists. The Obra Maestra will flaunt the aesthetic value in celebrating the Budayaw.

Maharadia Lawana

The theater component of the Budayaw Festival which featured an impressive theatrical production of “Maharadia Lawana,” the Meranaw version of the Ramayana story. The story of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana is one of the greatest stories of the world. As the story was retold and travelled, there exist many versions, or tales and other literary forms inspired by the epic. Most countries in Southeast Asia have their own Ramayana stories, affirming linkages with India or among these countries. In the Philippines, the Ramayana took the form of a prose folk narrative of the Meranaw, “Maharadia Lawana,” documented and translated into English by Professor Juan R. Francisco in 1968. Maharadia Lawana consisted of the “Prologue” by the KaliwatPerforming Artists Collective of Davao City; “Episode 1: The Winning of Potre” by the Kagay- an Performing Arts Troupe of Cagayan de Oro City; “Episode 2: The Abduction of Towan Potre Malaila Ganding” by the Kabpapagariya Ensemble of Mindanao State University (MSU-General Santos City; “Episode 3: The Search for Potre Malaila Ganding” by the Sining Kambayoka Ensemble of MSU – Marawi City; and “Episode 4: The Return of Potre Malaila Ganding” by Sining Kandidilimudan Ensemble of MSU – Maguindanao.
Budayaw Festival 2017 IKAT

Tapestry of Dreams:
IKAT Master Weavers’ Pavilion Showcase

This component will provide the audience a glimpse on the process of ikat weaving, a tradition common in the region. The exhibition aims to educate the public on the processes from the preparation of raw materials to the actual weaving. Invited weavers will demonstrate their skills and techniques to reflect diversity of designs and context.

Sounscape of the Earth
Showcase of Indigenous Music Virtuosos

Embodying the true essence of Harmony Amidst Diversity, varied visual artists from the EAGA will have social interactions with the various publics. Examine their varying styles anchored in their shared aspirations. Be part of this monumental event as it imparts the true essence of art. But what will make it even more meaningful, is the collaborative efforts expressed by the said artists. The Obra Maestra will flaunt the aesthetic value in celebrating the Budayaw.
budayaw 2017 fashion show

Fashion Show

The famed traditional woven cloths of various Mindanao tribes will be showcased in a special fashion show dubbed “Southern Weaves Fashion Fair” spearheaded by popular designer Renee Salud and the Deaprtment of Tourism Region 12.

Trade and Travel Fair

This will consist of exhibition which will provide visitors an opportunity to know the tourist attractions and cultural icons of the four countries.

Community Outreach

On Friday, Sept. 22, participating artists and cultural performers had joined the special outreach performances and creative interactions cum cultural exchanges in the municipalities of Maitum, Alabel and Malungon in Sarangani Province.

2017 Budayaw Calendar of Activities