The Culture of Sang Jati Dusun

Siti Rokiah Abdullah and Rokiah Mahmud “This paper’s the main point of discussion is the Malay Dusun, one of the ethnolinguistic groups in Brunei Darussalam. In addition, the paper will also share the efforts and initiatives taken by the Government of Brunei Darussalam in preserving the culture of the native people and at the same […]
Getting the lepa on an even keel in the Philippines and Malaysia

By Pamela R. Castrillo Most of the world regards land as supreme—as real estate, as the ground that produces agricultural goods, as host of communities that grow around government installations, churches and schools, and business establishments. Ancestral domain is land owned since time immemorial by indigenous cultural communities. Land is solid, steady, and firm, a […]
Potentials for Cultural Work in Development

By Fe Remotigue Abstract The experience of many artists in the Philippines and in Mindanao who joined the protest art movement during the Martial Law in the 1970s evolved a brand of activism called “Culture for Change and/or Development.” Those artists, who carried these experiences, entered the mainstream institutions of the country. Now, they carry […]
Budayaw Conversation in Time of the Pandemic

Hazel Meghan B. Hamile On July 13, 2020, a Budayaw Conversation was held via Zoom with the theme “The arts and culture sector of BIMP-EAGA and ASEAN on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focus on Brunei Darussalam.” Haji Mohd Abdoh Bin Haji Awang Damit, the Acting Director of Arts and Culture Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports […]
“Our Community is our Immunity”: The BIMP-EAGA Artists in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic – Impact, Resilience, and the Road to Recovery

“Our Community is our Immunity”: The BIMP-EAGA Artists in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic – Impact, Resilience, and the Road to Recovery Hazel Meghan B. Hamile Photo credit: iStock/razaklatif. This article is based on the discussion of the representatives of the Arts and Culture sector within the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) on […]
Documentary Strategies in Communities: A Conversation between Artist-Neighbors from Davao and Kota Kinabalu on their Lens-Based Practices

Documentary Strategies in Communities: A Conversation between Artist-Neighbors from Davao and Kota Kinabalu on their Lens-Based Practices By Abraham Garcia Jr. and Christopher Charles Pereira For the last five years, art communities connected by the Sulu Zone are bustling with artist-initiated projects with support from state-sponsored engagements in contemporary art. These are exhibitions on artistic […]
Budayaw Colloquium: Filipino Speakers Engage BIMP-EAGA Counterparts in Sarawak

Four days into the conference, the Philippines continued to keep its visual, aural, culinary and weaving skills, fashion designs, and organized knowledge sustained, as the delegation’s presence continued to envelope the participants and audience of the Budayaw II Festival of Cultures. During the colloquium, four Filipino presenters contributed to the BIMP-EAGA’s body of knowledge. Like […]
Visualizing Communities and Creating Together – An Interview: Parallel Practices and Dissimilar Experiences in Mindanao and Sabah

Visualizing communities and creating together – an interview: Parallel Practices and Dissimilar Experiences in Mindanao and Sabah By Abraham Garcia Jr. & Harold Reagan Eswar Artistic realization unravels into fruition due to the support of the ‘whole village’ that includes the family, engagement with educators and mentors and working (or having tensions) with practitioners together, […]
The Philippine Image in the Harmonic and Indigenous Soundscapes of BIMP-EAGA

(The 2nd BIMP-EAGA 2019 Budayaw Festival ) By Prof. Frank Englis with Jelli Luzano and Dr. Rhodora S. N. Englis (ed) Overview The 2nd Budayaw Festival of Arts and Culture took place on November 19-23, 2019 at the exotic City of Kuching, State of Sarawak, Malaysia. It is held every two years and hosted by […]
Jewels of the EAGA: Bringing Traditional Dances to a Contemporary Space

By Roel Hoang Manipon The variety of colors of the costumes vivified under the sunshine, filtering through the skylight in an area already suffused with artificial lighting. The audience sat in an air-conditioned comfort, surrounded by glass-fronted storefronts that beckoned with the latest fashion, gadgets, toys, and trinkets that were perfectly manufactured, and watched the […]